
Since Libertas began in 2018,
we have had 34 graduates.
In 2023, we anticipate 17 more,
which is our largest class yet!
As we grow, we hope to have
an alumni association!

Should you need a transcript, you can order your Libertas Transcript using the form below.

If you were previously enrolled in Advantage Preparatory School, you can also order your APS Transcript using the form below.


First Name
Last Name
Which Transcript do you need?(Former Advantage Preparatory School students need to request an APS transcript)
(Former Advantage Preparatory School students need to request an APS transcript)
If you did not graduate from Libertas

How would you like to receive transcripts?required

Address for Transcript Delivery:

Note: If you request a transcript to be sent to your home address and it is opened, it will be “unofficial".

Your transcript will only reflect those grades and credits that you received from Libertas Preparatory School (or APS).  If you received credits from a previous school, you will have to contact that school for your transcript.

For questions please email or call:

Susan Todd
Libertas Preparatory School Coordinator