Co-Op Classes (Grades 7-12)

We are excited to offer core courses for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year, specifically to support our Libertas independent study families AND as an outreach to the local homeschooling community! 

Libertas History class

These class offerings are designed to help our Jr. and  Sr. High School students fulfill their graduation requirements, to supplement a rigorous college prep independent course of study, and to provide a wonderful opportunity for our students to develop friendships with other students in the Libertas Prep Independent Study program.

In order to sign up for classes, begin with the interest form below, and if you don't already have one, you will need to set up an account in the myTrinity portal. 


Track 1: $650 per class
Track 2: $725 per class

Detailed list of days, times, instructors, and locations coming soon 


Libertas logo

Libertas Prep Co-Op Classes Interest Form

Please fill out one form per student. This form is not a complete registration. You will pay through your MyTrinity account. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one using the form below (Libertas - myTrinity App Portal - Create Acct).
Classes are open to all independent study students. All classes are taught from a Christian worldview by qualified instructors. Assignments and grades will be administered through Google Classroom.


Student's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Tell us about your student: required
We are offering a variety courses for Upper School. Some run one semester but most run for both semesters.
  • Classes will meet at Valencia Hills Community Church (VHCC) and Trinity Classical Academy (TCA).
  • Student texts are an additional cost.
  • No uniforms required.
  • Study hall with supervision is available between classes.
  • Syllabus for each course will be provided in July.
Please specify which co-op classes you are interested in:
(for confirmation)
Once you have completed this interest form, someone on our team will reach out to you via email with next steps.