This program is a critical part of the Imago Dei Rhetoric School. The objective of the program is to help students and their parents plan for life after high school.
Upper School Transitions
Some focuses of the Transitions Program:
- Vocational awareness and development of employment skills
- Self awareness and self advocacy
- Social thinking skills and strategies
Beginning in 11th grade, students begin to focus more on vocational training and preparing for the transition out of high school. Teachers, students and parents meet together to determine the goals for the individual students.
Imago Dei requires work starting in the 11th grade with community-based instruction, travel training and a vocational skills lab. Upperclassmen gain job experience by working at jobs on and off campus. It should be noted that parents are expected to be active participants by helping to cast the vision for their student’s future and working hand-in-hand with Imago Dei teachers toward the fulfillment of their student’s goals.