Therapy Services

one-on-one with teacher and student

The Imago Dei School offers therapy services that together address the whole child and their special gifts and unique needs.






Early Intervention

student with Legos

Early Intervention is a program designed to identify young children who may benefit from an individualized program to acquire the basic skills necessary for reading and academic success. This program provides pre-reading and reading instruction that addresses perceptual weaknesses in visual and/or auditory processing, directionality or difficulty with gross and/or fine motor activities.

NILD Educational Therapy®

teacher showing student math flash card

NILD Educational Therapy® was developed to treat assumed, underlying causes of learning difficulties rather than simply treating the symptoms. It is a true therapy in that it aims the intervention just above the student’s level of functioning and raises the expectations for performance. Students are trained to view themselves as competent, confident learners. The goal of NILD Educational Therapy® is to help students develop tools of independent learning in the classroom and in life.