Imago Dei School

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Social thinking is what we do when we interact with people: we think about them and how we think about people affects how we behave, which in turn affects how others respond to us, which in turn affects our own emotions. Whether we are with friends, sending an email, in a classroom or at the grocery store, we take in the thoughts, emotions and intentions of the people we are interacting with.

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A Great Dei Coffee

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A Great Dei Coffee Hours:
Mon, Tu, Wed, Fri - 8:00-11:00am
(closed Thursdays)

Come by and grab a cup or a whole bag of delicious coffee!

A Great Dei T-Shirts

Available during school hours at the front desk.

Lots of great Trinity swag to choose from! And we can print shirts for you too. Click here for details or to place your custom order.