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my trinity logo
Libertas Crest
  • Libertas Preparatory School
  • Independent Study

School Store




Clicking apparel will allow you to buy a variety of items including uniforms, spirit wear, house shirts, house ties, team shirts and PE uniforms. 



To register your student for any sport in any season, find all the information to register via the Athletics tile on myTRINITY's Resource Board.

Extracurriculars - Fall


co-curriculars (Fall)

Register and pay for your student to enjoy extracurricular activities after school. Options include chess, musical selections, fine arts opportunities and more

Extra - Spring


co-curriculars (Spring)

Register and pay for your student to enjoy extracurricular activities after school. Options include chess, musical selections, fine arts opportunities and more

Knights On Campus


knights on campus

Register and pay for your student to attend our after school program, Knights on Campus, where they enjoy extra time with their friends in planned activities, as well as homework time

(frozen treats, choice lunch, fall fun day pre-order)

Trinity Events

upcoming events
Make payment for any upcoming events.


upper school 

There are many opportunities to conveniently pay for things specific to upper school students, including AP Exams, Dual Credit Admin fee, AA Admin fee, the Ball, and more.

Trinity Yearbook


Order your yearbook for Grammar School, Upper School, or tribute ads for your 6th, 8th or 12th grader!