Classroom Events
There is always a lot going on in the classrooms at Trinity. With a classical education, something that is done regularly is live, hands-on experience. There are "living history museums" in 3rd-6th grade. The students research and write about a character, and on the day of the museum, they dress as the character and memorize a short speech so that when visitors (other classes and parents) come to the museum , they can share a little bit about the person they've researched and "become."
3rd grade - Greek Museum, Roman Games
4th grade - Medieval Faire
5th grade - Founding Fathers Museum
6th grade - Inventors

Roman Games - Chariot Races

Medieval Faire

Greek Museum
Seventh grade has their annual Math Market, which is a math unit that allows students to apply real life concepts such as profit, mark-up, discount, percent of profit, inventory, cash management, surveying, and problem solving. Students form companies, design a product, take out a loan, manufacture a product and sell their product at the market. Students use their loan money to purchase supplies, rent storefront space, and pay for advertising. They keep track of all expenses and receipts, making sure they can account for all the loan money. Students decide how much to charge for their product so that they reach a goal of 100% profit. Grammar school students anxiously await the Math Market so they can bring money to school and shop for treasures.