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Libertas Crest
  • Libertas Preparatory School
  • Independent Study

Visual Arts

Grammar School

Art is a part of our cultural heritage. In class, students learn how art has changed and developed throughout history. The art curriculum is designed in conjunction with the classroom lesson in order to reinforce a historical context. For example, as 4th grade is learning about the Renaissance in the classroom, art class is introducing Renaissance art forms and working with materials such as metal and stained glass.

Knowing that God is a creator and that we are made in His image suggests that we are innately creative. Therefore, we are creating and drawing from "many wells" in our learning experience in the Trinity art room.

The art curriculum seeks to:

  • Teach all students the basic fundamentals of drawing to enable them to create adequate renderings
  • Encourage the students to appreciate and imitate the beauty of creation in their own works
  • Introduce the students to the works of the masters in Western culture
  • Equip the students to knowledgeably use a variety of art media
Logic School

For 7th and 8th graders, Art is one of the required courses to be taken for one semester as part of the "elective wheel," which allows students to get a taste of art, music, drama and computers.

Art provides engaging artistic development to students through an exploratory range of mediums and skill development focusing on tactile art, realism, graphite drawing, pointillism and abstract, non-representational self-portraits. All work is designed around a semester theme that illustrates how we have been created with good sense to reflect truth, beauty and goodness. Students articulate artist statements and present their work for classroom critique. In addition, their work is featured regularly on display for the student body following the completion of each key project. Fine arts features a gallery in the fall semester and highlights work for the Trinity community at large during concerts and corporate gatherings.

By invitation/application, some Logic School students may be able to take Orchestra or yearbook, in lieu of some of the classes in the "elective wheel."

Rhetoric School

For our 9th-12th graders, Art, Film and Yearbook are the elective choices in the Visual Arts.

Grammar School Artwork

Logic School Artwork

lino carving art piece

Rhetoric School Artwork