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Libertas Crest
  • Libertas Preparatory School
  • Independent Study

Upper School

Logic: the ordered and logical relationship of particulars in each
Rhetoric: how the grammar and logic of each subject may be clearly communicated

Logic School

(Junior High)
7th - 8th Grades


Rhetoric School

(High School)
9th - 12th Grades


Trinity offers a broad range and depth of opportunities including award-winning athletics, visual and performing arts, student leadership, STEM/STEAM programming, and more. We are large enough to offer everything, but small enough that you’ll always make the team—so you can try every activity that piques your interest and discover your passions.

  • 30+ college dual-credit courses
  • Honors and AP courses
  • Small class sizes
  • 100% college acceptance rate
  • Liberal Arts AND STEM
  • Robust offerings in both athletics and fine arts
  • Leadership Opportunities
  • College Advisement
  • Science and Biblical worldview
  • Community Service
  • Accredited through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
  • Approach to learning that is timeless and tested… and also relevant, modern, and forward-thinking.






At Trinity, we use Classical Education as our foundation and the path to help students:

  • Pursue Virtue
  • Seek Wisdom
  • Find Purpose
  • Choose Courage
Education for Life logo
"Thank you so much Trinity for providing this school and truly teaching me how to think critically and speak respectfully. Thank you for every moment of laughter, every opportunity for perseverance, and every memory that comes with those! I have loved the past 13 years!" - Trinity Graduate