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Trinity Podcasts

The Classical Academy Podcast

The Classical Academy Podcast encourages lifelong learning, as Dr. Mark Phillips (Podcast Host and Trinity's Chair of Theology and Science) interviews a variety of Trinity teachers and other experts in classical education. There is always something new to be learned in this friendly guide to Classical Christian education.



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Different by Design Podcast

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A resource for Trinity families, exploring how our approach to education and school life equips students and parents to live purposefully and differently in today's world. Through discussions on education, parenting, community, and culture - all rooted in a Biblical worldview - the podcast inspires families to pursue wisdom, virtue, and a life of faith that will glorify God and transform culture.

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Join the conversation and hear what makes this type of learning uniquely wonderful! Sign up below to get a notification when every podcast drops! (If you a parent or employee, no need to sign up - you already receive the notification.)


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