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Libertas Crest
  • Libertas Preparatory School
  • Independent Study

Meet Our Team

"The faculty and staff not only provides an excellent education but exudes love for the kids being taught. I deeply appreciate the thoughtfulness from leadership on how to improve and enrich the learning and loving on the whole child. I feel confident and secure dropping my children off each day knowing that the home they have at Trinity is an extension of our home. A true partnership." - Trinity Parent

board of trustees

tom lescher - Trustee Chair
charles lee
Tracy Weaver
GREG wolf


< 1 2 3 4 5 > showing 97 - 128 of 147 constituents
Jennene Margrave

Jennene Margrave

Titles: Upper School Humanities, Transitions Teacher
Degree(s): BA English, The Master’s University
High School Diploma, Berean Christian High School
NA, Diablo Valley College
CTEL Authorization
Departments: Humanities, Math, Upper School Faculty
Phone Numbers:
School: (661) 296-2601
Wendy Massetto

Wendy Massetto

Titles: Principal of the Upper School
Degree(s): BA, Liberal Studies, California State University, Northridge
Multiple Subject Credential, supplementary math credential
Departments: Administrative Team, Principals, Upper School Administration
Nikki Miller

Nikki Miller

Titles: Licensed Educational Therapist, Structured Literacy Specialist
Degree(s): University of Oregon
Licensed Educational Therapist, National Institute for Learning Development
Specialized Training: Michelle Garcia Winner Social Thinking, Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment
Departments: Supplemental Services
Melinda Molloy

Melinda Molloy

Titles: Third Grade Teacher
Degree(s): BA, Classical Liberal Arts, The Masters University
Departments: Grammar School Faculty
Corina Morar

Corina Morar

Titles: Fine Arts Coordinator, Visual Arts Assistant
Degree(s): BA, Economics Management, Petre Andrei University, lasi, Romania
Departments: Fine Arts/Electives
David Okonowski

David Okonowski

Titles: Logic School Latin Teacher
Degree(s): BA, Classic Liberal Arts, The Master's University
Dora Orona

Dora Orona

Titles: Teachers Assistant
Departments: Support Staff
Sarah Orona

Sarah Orona

Titles: Teachers Assistant
Degree(s): AA and BA, in progress, Early Childhood Education, College of the Canyons
Departments: Support Staff
Sandra Oshiro

Sandra Oshiro

Titles: Communications Lead, Website & Systems Specialist
Degree(s): BA, Communications, California State University, Bakersfield
Departments: Administrative Team, Marketing/Communications
Holly Pacini

Holly Pacini

Titles: Associate Director of Athletics - Operations, Head Coach, Varsity & Logic School Softball, Softball Program Coordinator
Degree(s): BA, Mass Communications, The Master's University
Departments: Administrative Team, Leadership
Jessica Parrinello

Jessica Parrinello

Titles: Social Media Coordinator
Departments: Marketing/Communications
Marci Parsons

Marci Parsons

Titles: Upper School Latin
Degree(s): BA, Elementary Education, Bethel University (St. Paul, MN)
Departments: Languages, Upper School Faculty
Brandon Peczenij

Brandon Peczenij

Phyllis Pemberton

Phyllis Pemberton

Titles: Woodwinds Teacher
Departments: Fine Arts/Electives
Lily Pfeiffer

Lily Pfeiffer

Titles: Director of College Advisement
Degree(s): MBA, Business Administration, University of California Los Angeles
BS, Math & Computer Science, University of California Los Angeles
Departments: Administrative Team, College Advisement, Admin using Messages
Mark Phillips

Mark Phillips

Titles: Chair of Upper School Theology and Science, Rhetoric School Science Teacher, Libertas Teacher - Chemistry and Apologetics
Degree(s): BS, Biology/Chemistry, Southwestern University
Th.M., South African Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Biblical Studies/Theology, Louisiana Baptist University
GD, Theology, Oxford University, England
Departments: Science/Theology, Libertas Faculty, Upper School Faculty
Dawn Prindle

Dawn Prindle

Titles: Teachers Assistant
Departments: Support Staff
Mark Ramquist

Mark Ramquist

Titles: Rhetoric School Theater, Libertas LIVE Theater
Degree(s): MA, Theater Production, Southern Oregon University
MA, Communication Management, USC
BRE, Bible/Missions/Music, Prairie Bible College
Departments: Fine Arts/Electives, Upper School Faculty
Shea Ramquist

Shea Ramquist

Titles: Rhetoric School Humanities, Head of Patrick House, Trinity U Coordinator, Classical Academy Podcast Producer
Degree(s): University of Notre Dame
Biola University
Oxford University
Departments: Humanities, Upper School Faculty
Sylvia Ramquist

Sylvia Ramquist

Titles: Libertas LIVE Bible Teacher
Degree(s): BRE, Religious Education/Missions/Music, Prairie Bible College
* Stephen Ministries training/certificate, * Course work for MA in Counselling, * Japanese language - spoken fluency at a basic level
* Alpha Course trainer/coach, * Experience and studies in missiology, especially intercultural studies
Karen Rayner

Karen Rayner

Titles: Registrar
Degree(s): BA, The Master’s
Departments: Admissions
Ashley Recinos

Ashley Recinos

Andrew Richardson

Andrew Richardson

Titles: Upper School Humanities Teacher
Degree(s): BA, Music Education, Azusa Pacific University
MA, Theology Biblical Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary
Departments: Humanities
Dan Roach

Dan Roach

Titles: AP Computer Science, Rhetoric School Advanced Computer Programming Elective, Upper School Math
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, California State University, Fullerton
Departments: Math, Technology, Information Technology, Upper School Faculty
Sarah Robertson

Sarah Robertson

Titles: Grammar School Faculty
Degree(s): BA, English and Early Childhood Education, Kean University
Annika Round

Annika Round

Titles: Resource Teacher, Licensed Educational Therapist
Degree(s): BA, Liberal Studies, Azusa Pacific University
CA Multiple Subject Credential
Licensed Educational Therapist, National Institute for Learning Development
Departments: Grammar School Faculty, Supplemental Services
Candice Russell

Candice Russell

Titles: First Grade Teacher
Degree(s): BA in progress, Early Childhood Education, Grand Canyon University
Certification, Early Childhood Education, LA Valley College
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Departments: Grammar School Faculty
Laurie Sachs

Laurie Sachs

Titles: Upper School Humanities, Upper School Yearbook Elective, Upper School Directed Studies
Degree(s): BA, Humanities, San Diego State University
MA, Classical Antiquity Cultural History, California State University, Northridge
Departments: Humanities, Fine Arts/Electives, Upper School Faculty
Jennifer Schafer

Jennifer Schafer

Titles: Assistant to the Chief Operations Officer, Calendar Coordinator
Degree(s): Eastern Washington University
Departments: Administrative Team, Operations
E. Elizabeth Schuette

E. Elizabeth Schuette

Titles: Libertas Co-op Teacher
Degree(s): BS, Biology and Chemistry, Valparaiso University
Andrew Selby

Andrew Selby

Titles: Upper School Humanities
Degree(s): Ph.D. Religion, Baylor University
M.A. Historical Theology, University of Toronto (University of St. Michael's College)
B.A. Humanities, Biola University
Departments: Upper School Faculty

Sevan Serapian

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